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Group Meeting

College/Young Adult Focused Support Meetings

As one of the leading DBSA Chapters in the Mid-Atlantic Region for close to 28 years, (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware) we saw the need to be forward thinking. Mindful of plethora of struggles our young people have endured mentally since the onset of COVID. 


College and post grad life has so many challenges, and living with a mood disorder turns those challenges on their head. But focused meetings for our 18–28-year-old members bring day to day hurtles into realistic focus. 


Meetings will be held every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month (September-May ONLY) 7:30PM on Zoom.

Upcoming Meeting September 3rd, 7:30


You can join us physically if you're in the Media, PA area, 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, or All-age Adult alternative Zoom meetings. 

Please see Page 1 for other Zoom events.


Come join us on your journey living with Bipolar and Depression through Zoom and Physical Meetings at Riddle. Email Anna OR Caroline for links and further information.


Our Affiliate National Organization: Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance has provided some great articles and discussion points for young people:  Young Adults - Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance ( 

Check it out! 



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